Sunday, July 1, 2012


Well, we need to be moved out of our house in Dallas in approximately 3 weeks. We can't even figure out how to fill out the form. I guess it doesnt matter because we can't find a house anyway. We originally found 3 houses willing to lease to us with our four dogs and my bad credit. The problem was we didn't have the official orders. Hurry up and wait and wait and wait. Found out the orders and lost out on the houses because we waited to long. Now there is either a house that would rent to us with my credit but not all the dogs. And vice versa. There is nobody to help us, no real links to any websites to help us. Basically this sucks. And now we are going to be a homeless military family. Come on America. Wake up. The economy sucks and most people have terrible credit. Why else does a couple in their mid 30's decide to join the military? My husband originally wanted to be a school teacher, but with the Texas economy that wasnt going to happen. Instead of "Occupying Wall Street" like a bunch of pathetic people are, we decide to be proactive and join the military so my husband can attend grad school. Ok, enough bitching. Prayers and miracles needed.